Affirm Financing
Spread the cost of a purchase over 3, 6, or 12 easy monthly payments.* Just select 'Affirm - Pay Over Time' at checkout.
*Subject to credit approval.
年满 18 岁或您所在省份的法定成年年龄。
加拿大 Visa/Mastercard 信用卡/借记卡。您的借记卡必须带有 Visa 或 Mastercard 徽标。
Affirm 目前接受加拿大 Visa 和 Mastercard 信用卡或借记卡。借记卡必须带有 Visa 或 Mastercard 标志。请注意,不接受预付卡。
要了解有关 Affirm 和信用检查的更多信息,请在 Affirm 帮助网站上查询帮助。
1. 像往常一样将商品添加到您的购物车,然后在结账时选择确认作为您的付款方式。
2. 完成 Affirm 的简单在线申请并立即获得批准决定。
3. 通过“确认”确认您的付款计划,然后返回 Livingspace 以完成您的订单。我们将照常处理并为您的订单发货。
使用 Affirm 进行的购买须遵守 Livingspace 的标准退货政策,可以在此处找到。任何退货都将由 Livingspace 处理,并且您的 Affirm 余额将相应减少、取消或退款。
请在此处联系 Affirm 团队。
Affirm 将从您的加拿大银行账户或 Visa/Mastercard 借记卡/信用卡方便地进行预授权付款。对于双周免息计划,仅接受借记卡/信用卡付款。
请联系 Affirm 团队,他们将很乐意研究可用的选项。您可以使用此联系表与他们联系。
请参阅 Affirm 的帮助中心以获取问题的解答。
Payment options through Affirm Canada Holdings Ltd. (“Affirm”). Your rate will be 0–31.99% APR (where available and subject to provincial regulatory limitations). APR offered is based on creditworthiness and subject to an eligibility check. Not all customers will be eligible for 0% APR. Payment options depend on your purchase amount, may vary by merchant, and may not be available in all provinces/territories. Actual payment option terms will be shown at checkout. A down payment (or a payment due today) may be required. Affirm accepts debit cards and PAD as forms of repayment on payment options. Select payment options may be eligible for repayment in the form of credit cards. Please review the terms and conditions of your credit card when using it as a form of repayment. Sample payment options may be: a $800 purchase could be split into 12 monthly payments of $72.21 at 15% APR, or 4 interest-free payments of $200 every 2 weeks.
For more information, please see